Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My mosiac

I found this cool website with instuctions for creating a personality mosiac, but with me being rather silly, I forgot to add the link to it. iRoll....

To make a mosiac, you have a set of questions (which I'll post below it), search on Flickr for your answer, and pick a photo to use for it.

The questions I answered were:

1. What is your first name? - Abby
2. What is your favorite food? - Spagetti
3. What high school did you go to? - Yale Secondary (there weren't any photos, so I posted what I'd like it to look like)
4. What is your favorite color? - Lots of them, though I searched for blue
5. Who is your celebrity crush? - Rupert Grint
6. Favorite drink? - Mountain Dew
7. Dream vacation? - The Hole-in-the-Wall, South Africa
8. Favorite dessert? - Lemon Meringue Pie
9. What you want to be when you grow up? - A Mother
10. What do you love most in life? - Sunsets
11. One Word to describe you. - Random
12. Looked up my flickr name and found something about me - (I don't have a Flickr, so I posted what it would be) Lake By The Pond

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hippie? I don't think so

Ok, just because I like bright, happy colours and abstract shapes and patterns, and lava lamps, and happen to have long hair does NOT make me a hippie. Now my sibs are calling me one even though I HATE baggy shirts and headbands. Hippies also creep me out. Gosh!

I feel better now *gets off soap box*

Friday, April 4, 2008

look at this!!

Check out this adorable elephant... if you've got 8 minutes to spare

My first post - and iPod trouble

Yay! This is my first Blog on Blogger™... lol

Unfortuantely, though, my iPod isn't working, which sucks. I fell in the mud with it in my back pocket, and now it's whining at me with the sick iPod icon... bleh.

so, yeah. I like
blue, chocolate, abstract art... and my Science class is awesome.
